
Nootropic Plants: A Review: Part I

Category Review Article
Authors Professor, Dr. M. R. K. Rao, Research Consultant, Anna Medical College, Montagne Blanche, Mauritius Email.mrkrao1455@gmail.com
Abstract The post Covid era has seen new challenges towards addressing diseases. Newer management techniques to tackle age old and new medical challenges are emerging. The whole world was looking at alternative medical practices to tackle Covid and other newer variants of Covid, since the molecular medicines could not handle the situation. Herbal medicines are slowly emerging and it is expected that the use of these medicines will be more in practice, particularly due to two major reasons: The one being the occurrence of MDR microorganisms and the other being, the side effects of molecular medicines. Similarly, as time is passing more and more cases on neurodegerative diseases such as Alzheirmer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease etc. are on the rise due to various factors like, stress, pollution and other socioeconomic factors. There is an urgent need to enlist the herbal alternative to cure these diseases. The present review is a step in this direction. We have tried to cover as many plants as possible in this review which have some or the other contributing medicinal role in addressing neurological diseases. The present article, which contains the details of 6 plants, is Part I in the series of articles.
Keywords Nootropic, MDR, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Huntington’s Disease, Herbal
Page From 248
Page To 260
Volume 3
Issue 2
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