
Welcome to SM JOURNAL

The journal is a gateway and platform for medical students to publish their scientific articles. The journal will guide and provide the authors regarding presentation, data analyses and discussion. It will help improve the student’s communication skills, how to avoid plagiarism and provide suggestions to improve the quality of presentation.

It is a simple beginning and we have selected editorial board members in such a way that they are both academician and researchers. With minimal corrections and more publication, the journal will initially concentrate on publishing the articles. It will slowly follow strict guidelines to publish the articles.

Students as well as the Faculty can send in their articles for consideration for publication to the any one of the following:

  1. drdsheriff@gmail.com
  2. tmpriya62@gmail.com

Dr.T.Manopriya, Secretary, who will handle the process of communication, review of manuscripts and uploading of the article.

The publication process will start with initial screening by the Editorial Board, followed by sending it to appropriate reviewers, and the decision will be taken to publish the article in any one of the categories. (Original research, Review article, Editorial or Case history).

The publication will be online to begin with, then depending upon the response printed version will be started. Initially the publication will be bimonthly and will become monthly once the process is set in.

We are in the process of getting the ISSN number once we successfully launch three to four issues. There will be a minimum processing charges for the article to be published to maintain the journal and its successful working. The charges will be Rs.500 per article. The money can be deposited to the following address:

Indian Overseas Bank

Ac.No: 255401000003879
IFSC code: IOBA0002554
Padur Branch
Hindustan University Campus